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St Martin Lutheran Church – Trust Fund

Fists in Solidarity

 St. Martin Memorial Trust Fund 


The summary statement for the Memorial Trust fund, dated December 31, 2021, indicates the total
assets of $1,227,497.41 as compared to $1,173,765.30 in December 2020. It is the policy of the by-laws
to stay committed to the investments for the long term. In 2021 a total of $50,656.55 was given for the
following projects: new scrubber, bonus checks to staff (COVID) related, down payment on new sound
system and final payment, sanctuary lamp and labor, computers, and desk / flooring in Pastor Jason’s
office. With the above expense, the total amount used for capital purchases provided by the Trust Fund
since its inception has been $447,033.88. We can be thankful for the gifts the Lord has provided.
Counted among these gifts should be the foresight the Lord instilled in the Trust Fund founding members as well as the thankful generosity by our congregation members. Church members that have contributed to this fund did so with the intent of giving a lasting gift to be used for generations to come. They can be assured that these funds are being administered toward that end. Please consider giving part of your estate to this fund.
Note: The principal amount is never touched. Only the earnings are used. The limit is no more than 5%
of the yearly earnings.


Contact DuWayne Federwitz, Chairman

Memorial Trust Fund Updates


Memorial Trust Fund meets quarterly.

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