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St. Martin Lutheran School – Hot Lunch Menu

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The St. Martin Lunch Program is independent from the congregational budget. It pays the cooks' salaries and benefits, the commodity food bill, and institutional sales.  All dishwasher soap and rinse additives, along with some repair work are also paid by this fund.  This fund gets its money from the School Lunch State and Federal Reimbursements and the student payments for lunch.


Donations of fresh fruits and vegetables will be accepted only on school days for the lunch program.  We cannot accept any processed foods.


Before bringing in any food donations, please call Mrs. Ebert at 715-823-6538 ext. 2222.




Lunch is served daily during the school year. We follow the USDA guidelines serving up to 650 calories a day and no seconds. When you go through the hot lunch line, you need to have 3 countable items on your plate. 


Countable items means you need to take the full amount served. 

Items served daily:
½ cup fruit
¾ cup vegetables
1 oz. of grains
1 oz. of protein
1 carton of milk




Triennial Assessment Report Card



Wellness Policy




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